Batch spec cheat sheet
There are some common patterns that we reuse all the time when writing batch specs. In this document we collect these patterns to make it easy for others to copy and reuse them. See our own curated collection of batch change examples for even more complete examples of batch specs.
Since most of the examples here make use of batch spec templating, be sure to also take a look at that page.
Loop over search result paths in shell script
YAMLon: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: OLD-VALUE steps: - run: | for file in "${{ join repository.search_result_paths " " }}"; do sed -i 's/OLD-VALUE/NEW-VALUE/g;' ${file} done container: alpine:3
Put search result paths in file and loop over them
YAMLon: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: OLD-VALUE steps: - run: | cat /tmp/search-results | while read file; do sed -i 's/OLD-VALUE/NEW-VALUE/g;' "${file}" done container: alpine:3 files: /tmp/search-results: ${{ join repository.search_result_paths "\n" }}
Use search result paths as arguments for single command
YAMLon: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: lang:go fmt.Sprintf("%d", :[v]) patterntype:structural -file:vendor count:10 steps: - run: comby -in-place 'fmt.Sprintf("%d", :[v])' 'strconv.Itoa(:[v])' ${{ join repository.search_result_paths " " }} container: comby/comby
Format files modified by previous step
YAMLsteps: - run: comby -in-place 'fmt.Sprintf("%d", :[v])' 'strconv.Itoa(:[v])' ${{ join repository.search_result_paths " " }} container: comby/comby - run: goimports -w ${{ join previous_step.modified_files " " }} container: unibeautify/goimports
Dynamically set branch name based on workspace
YAMLworkspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in:* steps: # [... other steps ... ] - run: if [[ -f "package.json" ]]; then cat package.json | jq -j .name; fi container: jiapantw/jq-alpine:latest outputs: projectName: value: ${{ step.stdout }} changesetTemplate: # [...] # If we have an `outputs.projectName` we use it, otherwise we append the path # of the workspace. If the path is emtpy (as is the case in the root folder), # we ignore it. branch: | ${{ if eq outputs.projectName "" }} ${{ join_if "-" "thorsten/workspace-discovery" (replace steps.path "/" "-") }} ${{ else }} thorsten/workspace-discovery-${{ outputs.projectName }} ${{ end }}
Process search result paths with script
YAMLsteps: - run: | for result in "${{ join repository.search_result_paths " " }}"; do ruby /tmp/script "${result}" > "${result}.new" mv ${result}.new "${result}" done; container: ruby files: /tmp/script: | #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'yaml'; content = YAML.load( content['batchchanges'] = 'say hello' puts YAML.dump(content)
Use separate file as config file for command
YAMLsteps: - run: comby -in-place -matcher .go -config /tmp/comby-conf.toml -f ${{ join repository.search_result_paths "," }} container: comby/comby files: /tmp/comby-conf.toml: | [log_to_log15] match='log.Printf(":[format]", :[args])' rewrite='log15.Warn(":[format]", :[args])' rule='where rewrite :[format] { "%:[[_]] " -> "" }, rewrite :[format] { " %:[[_]]" -> "" }, rewrite :[args] { ":[arg~[a-zA-Z0-9.()]+]" -> "\":[arg]\", :[arg]" }'
Publish only changesets on specific branches
YAMLchangesetTemplate: # [...] published: - draft
Create new files in repository
YAMLsteps: - run: cat /tmp/global-gitignore >> .gitignore container: alpine:3 files: /tmp/global-gitignore: | # Vim *.swp # JetBrains/IntelliJ .idea # Emacs *~ \#*\# /.emacs.desktop /.emacs.desktop.lock .\#* .dir-locals.el
Execute steps only in repositories matching name
YAMLsteps: # [... other steps ...] - run: echo "name contains sourcegraph-testing" >> message.txt if: ${{ matches "*sourcegraph-testing*" }} container: alpine:3
Execute steps based on output of previous command
YAMLsteps: - run: if [[ -f "go.mod" ]]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi container: alpine:3 outputs: goModExists: value: ${{ step.stdout }} - run: go fmt ./... container: golang if: ${{ outputs.goModExists }}
Write a GitHub Actions workflow that includes GitHub expression syntax
YAMLsteps: - container: alpine:3 run: | #!/usr/bin/env bash mkdir -p .github/workflows cat <<EOF >.github/workflows/scip.yml name: Index on: - push jobs: scip-go: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: sourcegraph/scip-go steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Generate SCIP data run: scip-go - name: Install src CLI run: | curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/src chmod +x /usr/local/bin/src - name: Upload SCIP data run: src code-intel upload -github-token=${{ "\\${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}" }} EOF
Since GitHub expression syntax conflicts with Sourcegraph's own template expression syntax, including the expression again as a quoted string within a template expression means that the inner expression will be output as a string (effectively, "ignoring" the contents of the inner expression). For run:
fields specifically, to avoid the shell also interpreting the GitHub expression as a variable when executing the script, we need to escape the quoted $
with two backslashes: firstly for the shell script itself, and secondly to escape the backslash within the template expression string.
To use the literal sequence ${{ }}
in non-run:
fields of the batch spec that supports templating, quoted strings are normally sufficient: ${{ "${{ leave me alone! }}" }}
List what files were modified by the batch change in the changeset
SHELLchangesetTemplate: title: A batch change body: | This batch change modifies: ${{ range $index, $file := steps.modified_files }} - ${{ $file }} ${{ end }}